Digital Marketing: A Successful Business’s Best Friend

Feb 19, 2023 / Read min 10

Now we all know why marketing is essential, it has existed since the beginning of time in many different forms. One of the oldest forms of marketing could be traced back to 3,000 BC and was found in ancient Mesopotamia; advertisements were engraved on clay tablets (stone). 

But let us dive into the new era of “digital marketing”.

new era of “digital marketing”.

So, what is digital marketing? Digital marketing can be defined as, the use of online tools/the internet to communicate with potential customers about your product, brand or business. Digital marketing can be done in various ways, such as sending emails, posting on social media platforms, advertising on YouTube or essentially, anywhere online and much more. Digital marketing was introduced in the 1990s, around the time the first search engine, “Archie”, was launched, which led to the first clickable ad banner being introduced, and many websites such as Yahoo and Google followed, as well as online markets. The 1990s could be considered the birth of Digital Marketing but the 2000s was the boom. As more social media platforms were introduced in the 2000s, such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Gmail, and YouTube, the easier it was for businesses to market and advance digital marketing. One of the benefits that came out of digital marketing is lower costs. Traditional marketing campaigns require a hefty sum of money which they may or may not succeed, which is a rather expensive risk. Despite digital marketing requiring costs for the business, it can also be done for free and will most likely reach a much wider audience due to the increase of users online. 

Andrei Tarkovsky Portrait

Digital marketing has become vital for all businesses, we have become so used to seeing them from all over the world, market on the internet, and from our electronic devices. A mere view holds value to a business. A great example of digital marketing is the famous car brand, Volkswagen advertisement on YouTube posted in late 2019, which depicted the impact of the iconic Beetle car and how it has now come to an end, to welcome their electric cars. The ad garnered 2 million views and created a buzz on social media with the hashtag #TheLastMile. The company created an emotional ad that connected with many people from all over the world, which couldn’t have been possible without digital marketing. 

In conclusion, digital marketing has transformed the business world and made it easier for businesses to get more done for less. It can be said that digital marketing is a successful business’s best friend. 

Director Andrei Tarkovsky with a movie camera

Photos were taken by Khalid Bahaa