
About The Project

Sudan Moves is joint project initiated by the Goethe institut Khartoum to discuss the socio-political shifts Sudan and Germany were going through expressed in the form of art and culture.

Situation Appraisal

Sudan Moves project was a physical collaboration between various parties between Germany and Sudan. Due to COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the project migrated to take a digital form. The digital residency required a fully developed platform with the capacity to host all the feeds and related events, which was “the need”, an excellence in design and development execution “the want”, and we took care of both!


Coordinating all the required steps to build the website under the pressuring conditions present with COVID-19 pandemic alongside the challenges in communications drove us to find various alternative solutions to lead the ship to safety which we achieved with everyone’s valued cooperation.

Roadmap Formation

The concept design and wireframe for Sudan Moves website was sat and the plans were carried in motion to fulfill all the elements of the project.

The Journey So Far

We built the website to serve the project’s purposes with utmost tact in design and development in addition to the translation and proofreading of the content in Arabic and English. An introduction to all parties and team members were made and the digital residency artists were mentioned. A separate panel for Khartoum podcast series was designed and another panel presenting the exhibitions that took place so far including different works, events and supplied with rich essays. The updates and maintenance of the website still being overseen of by our team.

The Harvest Unfolds

Partners Satisfaction

Our work on the website earned the satisfaction of all the parties involved pointing out the diligence, creativity and punctuality that brought it to its current shape.

Goals fulfillment

With an SEO friendly, easily accessible and inviting website, the purpose behind building it as a window of art and culture and an example for future globally mutual projects to follow was successfully accomplished.

Unceasing Productivity

Entering its 4th year, Sudan Moves project with its various aspects always found the means to send its messages to the people, all thanks to the continuous and solid presence of the website while adapting to all changes and demands.

Extensive Awareness

Suffice to say; the identity and presence of Sudan Moves was engraved in the minds of targeted audience following the impact of awareness it cultivated through the years.